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Primary Election Day
August 20, 2024


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For Cody Powell, It's All About

His Children AND Yours!

Stand for Conservative Values:

Ban woke books from schools and libraries and stop the transgender indoctrination. 

Support Small Businesses Owners:

As the owner of a small, family-owned business in Brandon, I understand the challenges of making payroll and running a business. Let’s stop the hurdles government puts before us and simplify rules to help small business owners succeed.

Fiscal Discipline for Hillsborough County:

One simple rule, I want the government to spend less of your money and you to keep more of it.

Customer Service in Government:

Provide excellent constituent services by holding monthly townhall events throughout District 4 to hear directly from you. Hold me accountable to be your voice on the Commission.

Partner with our Veterans:

Not a single Veteran should be left behind. I want to ensure veterans have access to strong VSO advocates and the best medical care available in Hillsborough County to those who sacrificed so much for our nation.


Cody holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration on Entrepreneurship from the University of North Florida. He joined the family business in 2009 assisting and facilitating the growth of Powell Realty which specializes in real estate sales and property management.


In 2018 Cody began his public service career by serving on the Hillsborough County Land Use Appeals Board, where he was appointed by Ken Hagan and fellow Board of County Commissioners to the Hillsborough Planning Commission.


From there, Cody quickly rose to serve as the Vice-Chair and as the Planning Commission representative on the Hillsborough Transportation Board (TPO), Hillsborough Affordable Housing Board, Community Land Trust, Hillsborough RiverInterlocal Technical Advisory Council, and the Planning Commission’s Public Information Committee.


In late January of 2022, Cody’s father became hospitalized due to Covid-19 and passed away later that year. During that time, Cody continued his public service duties and completed his four year term on the Planning Commission. Upon his term expiring, Cody stepped away from local government to spend time with his children and heal as a family.


Desiring to honor his father and still help the community and the most vulnerable, Cody became a Guardian Ad Litem. Cody also became involved in Protect Our Children Project. With several local churches, community leaders, and groups, Cody would go before the Hillsborough County School Board to fight against harmful transgender curricula and books making their way into our public schools and libraries. Cody also became involved with I Matter Too, a local non-profit that cares for and teaches the most severely abandoned, abused, and neglected children, through the love of Jesus Christ.


Cody enjoys serving at his local church, The Crossing Church, and taking classes through the churches Bible College. Cody also enjoys playing golf, working out, and spending time with his children and family.

From the rising of thesun to its setting, thename of the LORD is tobe praised! Psalm 113:3



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